171206 – Oxford to Cambridge Corridor

The proposed Oxford to Cambridge Corridor currently has no road link and only a proposed rail link to ‘hang things off’. However, the A14, A45 and A43 between them already serve this function between them to the North and pass through one of the growth areas of the Country with even greater scope for development. It is an opportunity for Huntingdon, Thrapston, Wellingborough, Kettering, Northampton, Towcester and Brackley to join in with an alternative, ready-made, solution. Particularly if the principles expressed in the above video are taken on board.


Such a ‘corridor’ lacks a rail link currently but public transport has moved beyond tracks

As climate warming progresses London will need to relocate to the North. Both the proposed Southern version and my own ‘Northern’ form could be combined to form a new capital city around Milton Keynes very easily. With a port at Peterborough and several airports surrounding it Milton Keynes is the obvious solution to a very serious problem slowly developing at a rate that we can respond to.

Northamptonshire even has an historical model as, if the Napoleonic Wars had been lost, Weedon Depot was based in the Centre of the Country as a last stand with a Royal Palace etc!

As an architect I have been thinking about such issues for many years and am looking for a format to explore them further architecturally and in planning and urban design terms too. If you have any suggestions please contact me or leave a comment.